Friday, December 12, 2008

Well, well, well...

The above title is more of a "name it, claim it" rather than a window into the topic of discussion. Jeff and I have been up since midnight with two little boys who are each sporting their own variation of the "flu" true respiratory version, the second, a nasty stomach bug. I have done more loads of laundry that I care to count, and none of them contain the necessary clothes we will need for the weekend. It is nearly 4pm, and Jeff has taken off work early to pick up Owen from school.

"Meanwhile, back at the ranch...", Isaac is resting and watching a movie, while Levi snoozes on the couch. My kitchen, bathroom, laundry room, and living room are finally tidy (with the exception of the large mountain of laundry on the loveseat...clean laundry from yesterday that I was going to fold and put away this morning). My house boasts the fragrance of Vicks (from the little boys room), Lysol (from every room), Clorox (again...everywhere), fresh air from the freeze out I produced a few hours ago...all windows open, exhaust fans on, and hoods up! Now, I'm trying to regain some sense of peace by burning a holiday spice candle. Will know in a bit if that was a good idea! Anyhow...WHEW!!! But even still...I'm here to take care of it! YEAH! Last year I was on the road and puny and ICK! But now, I'm back in business, and it's wonderful!

Levi has been a hoot and a half. So, so sick, and yet ever inquisitive and comical. His latest question, "Why do they call it throw UP? Shouldn't it be throw DOWN, because, you know, it's goin' down (insert vision of hand gesture here)?"

"Good point, Levi! You're so smart!"

"I sure don't like this."
"I know. I don't'll be better soon."
"I do like stayin' home, though." (Never you mind that he missed "Santa's Workshop" at school today! I scored higher! Woohoo!)
"And I like having you home. Are you about done in here?"

Yes...all his great questions and quotes in the past 24 hours came from the bathroom, a place in which I'd rather not do my visitin'! He's just such a hoot! Jeff and I were bustin' up laughing last night, Levi was just so funny!

Hopefully, all will be well in the morning!

Oh...did I mention that Owen had the stomach version Wednesday? Yah...can you say "New toothbrushes for everyone!?"

Well...I'd better go. Won't you join me in a sing-a-long with Amy Grant?

"It's the most wonderful time...of the year! It's the hap-happiest season of all..."



Carrie said...

I love that even your sicky stories are fun! Hope everyone is well sooner than later!