Monday, January 12, 2009

Can We Talk--Beginning Study

Hey ladies! How are things in your home today? I hope you are planning on joining us in the study entitled, "Can We Talk?" If you haven't seen my post inviting you to join, and explaining the study, scroll down 2 posts, and you'll see it there.

I realized that when I invited everyone to join me, I didn't specify whether we'd be just beginning week 1 or discussing it today! Oops! Didn't quite think that one through. Although I have read the week's studies, I have not technically begun...that involves writing something down, doesn't it? So, I am starting Day One today, and will continue through the week. I'll try to post a reaction to my week's studies next Monday, and you be sure to let me know what you thought of it, too!

I am already intimidated...Week One is on controlling the tongue! Not my forte, if you know what I mean! Let me preface my future writings with this disclaimer. I am somewhat...ummm....sarcastic! Yes...there...I said it! I was disappointed to learn that sarcasm is not one of the spiritual gifts listed in the Bible...I was SURE it was mine! I seem to come from a long line of ladies who believe it is our job to bestow our opinion on all those who would lend an ear. Found out this summer that that character trait runs long and deep in my family (I am speaking solely about those ladies we gazed upon in those black and white and sepia toned photos, naturally! No one I met in person!)

Most usually, I feel God "leading" (I say this with a cough and a sputter) me to share my insight with others. As if I'm his mouthpiece, and he created me specifically for this open the eyes of the ignorant as to their misguided ways! Sometimes, though rarely, this is the case. Other times, it's just my big, bad self layin' down the law.

So, this week promises to be abrasive to my spirit. But, then again, who couldn't use a good exfoliation every once and awhile, hmmmm?

If you've already completed week one, GREAT! Pour yourself a cup of hot tea and coast through the next week reviewing what you've studied. If you're like me, though, and are just beginning your 'Soul Stirring Conversations with God', let's high five, and get to it! I am so excited about what I am going to learn. Let's pray this week that our distractions may be few, and our hunger for the word may continue to grow as we dive into this study.




Joetta said...

I started today also. Ouch. I need to get some steel toed boots on for this study!

kim said...

Oh so glad you are going to give it one more week before you really get going! I want to participate but had yet made it out for the book. Let's pray there's not a topic on procrastination or I am going to be in trouble - hehe
Love ya friend!