Friday, October 16, 2009


"From the rising of the sun to the going down of the same, the Name of the Lord shall be praised!"

I just read this on my cousin Cari's blog and I think it says exactly what I'm needing to write right now. These are her thoughts and her words, but somehow they are mine as well! Don'tcha just love family?!

I think I may have forgotten how to blog. It's been so long. Several times a day, I think of some freshly illumined truth, or surprising connection and I say to myself, "Self, you should blog that!" And then the day continues. My thoughts continue. But I never find the time to sit and write it out. When I do sit down to "pen some words", I can't quite remember how the truth or the illumination occurred, and in a late-day fog, I can't quite piece together the sequence of surprise, much less, the connections. I forget. I blog to remember, but at some point I must remember to blog:)

But this is what I know for sure. God is good all the time. He is Truth and Light and Love and Purpose. Unpredictable, yet Reliable. Uncomfortable, but Comforting. Simply Complex.