Friday, April 16, 2010

A little more news

Found out today that my bone scan shows nothing new!  Well, that's good news.  Had a CT scan today...find out later about the rest of me.  :o)

We are doing fine, and looking forward to my boys getting here this weekend.  They LOVE Texas, and we have family nearby (Aunt Teresa, Uncle Howard, Nanette, Kirk, Brenda and Jim...and their kids, too!) promising to do some serious spoiling!  Don't you know they're just going to be rotten by the time we're all through with them?  I'm kidding...they'll be fine!  Looking forward to letting them climb some huge live oak trees!  They're perfect for boys!  Wish we had one in our front yard. 

Hope you all have a great weekend.  Thank you so much for your prayers.


Jeff and Leslie


CDJ said...

Love you, girlie. I look forward to seeing you sometime soon.

Carrie said...

Ohhhh ... climbing trees sounds fun! Have a great weekend with the boys. Love you!