Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Wednesday's Update

Just getting ready to head over to my surgeon's office and see if I can have these stitches taken out of my head.  That would be sooooo nice.  Tomorrow I have my 2nd treatment, and then, I hope, we are free to leave and head home!  We are ready to be back in Missouri, although Jeff reminds me daily, we will miss the Final Four if we head back before Friday.  Oh well, such is life.

My first treatment went very well.  It's not an IV, but rather the doctor stands over you and v...e...r...y...slowly injects medicine into my head. It was a little creepy to have someone standing over me for 5 minutes squirting something into my head.  I just shut my eyes.  Even though I was laying down, I still felt a little faint.  It's because I was thinking about it.  Maybe next time I'll take my iPod and put in my earphones so I can think about something else.

 For those inquisitive minds out there, they always draw off as much spinal fluid as the medicine they are putting in so the pressure inside my skull remains the same.  Glad someone was thinking about that! 

Better make hay while the sun shines.  Have a wonderful day.  Thanks for your continued prayers.



kim said...

Hey Leslie, Just wanted you to know that you are on my mind and heart daily and in my prayers as well. I love you and am so thankful for the blessing you are in my life!!! Hoping you are home by now and got to enjoy the wonderful sunshine with the boys this weekend. Love Kim