Monday, April 18, 2011

Technical Difficulties

My apologies for not updating recently. Our internet has been out. Jeff just got us a new modem, and we have yet to get it hooked up. I'm posting via wi-fi from somewhere.

Praise the Lord, we finally got treatments coordinated here. It has been an unnecessarily stressful ordeal trying to get our local oncologist to give the medicine MDA wanted. There were multiple snafus, but it was finally all worked out. Jeff handled the whole thing beautifully. I told him he's my shield. I just hid behind him and let him do all the fighting for me.

Anyway, all's well that ends well! I've had three treatments here already, and the remaing 11 are scheduled. I am pleased with the medical staff and facility where we are administering the injections. The biggest side effect that I've noticed is that I'm tired for a day or two after treatment.

Thanks so much to everyone who has brought us meals, given us money to help with gas, food or bills, helped with childcare, provided tranportation, and sent us words of encouragement. We consider ourselves abundantly blessed to have such fantastic friends.

Have a wonderful week.




Grey Skies And A Laurel Tree said...

Just wanted to stop in and tell you that I love you! Think of often and I think that you are an Awesome woman! Love as big as Texas!
