Saturday, October 25, 2008

7 Things You Might Not Know About Me!

I have been tagged by my friend Shelley to post 7 things about myself, so here goes:

1)I was so chubby as a child that I was nicknamed "Moose"! No joke! Uncle Don even convinced me that I was sprouting antlers. I have since passed those nicknames down to either of Anita's infants, they both fit the bill!

2)I have moved 16 times since I was born! All within the state of Missouri. I have a garage full of unpacked boxes to this day. Just last weekend I returned home from my folks with even more boxes of "Leslie's Stuff" that had not been unpacked! I'm 36 years do the math.

3)I love country and bluegrass music! Even more so in the fall. My friends once laughed b/c at a holiday "Ladies night out" for my church, I listed one of my favorite Christmas tunes as "Two-Step 'Round the Christmas Tree", and was the only one who didn't list a traditional Christmas melody...much less religious! It held/holds special memories for me, as Owen and I would "dance" to that when he was a toddler and his daddy was out of town. It counts!

4)Since chemo, I can no longer drink coffee! Go figure. Even though it sounds good, and smells good, I just can't drink it. It's as if it acid washes my mouth and tongue. Isn't that sad? I just drive past St*rbucks and sniffle...don't you feel for me?

5)I met Jeff in college at the Baptist Student Union while I was "promised" to another guy! Wowzer! He opened doors for me, sat beside me during Bible studies and church sponsored meals, and even walked me to class. Once, we even won a free-throw shoot-out contest at SMSU to win 20 tickets for our organization (the BSU) to the season opener of the Bears basketball season. Later that year, I heard him and his brother, Bob, and good friend, Mike sing at Harmony Baptist in Rogersville, and I'm sure I swooned! To top it all off, he wore Wrangler's and Ropers, and if that doesn't make your heart skip a beat, there's just something wrong with you! My high-school sweetheart broke up with me on a Sunday night, and Jeff called my dorm room on Monday night to ask me for a date. And the rest, as they say, is history!

*** Have I used enough "quotation marks" yet? I just realized I'm like Joey off of Friends! Good grief!

6) My dream house is a white farm house with a wrap around porch, huge kitchen, and an upstairs (my 100 year old childhood home on S. Clark street would be great...or the Walton's house would do fine). I'd like a wood stove (or pellet...I'm rational about this part of the dream). I'd like a creek nearby, a clothesline, and a garden...and while we're at it, I'd like a well stocked pond so the boys can fish. I'd also like a barn (to hide all my unpacked boxes in!) and a chicken house...with chickens. Oh...I'd also like a couple of rocking chairs and a porch swing on the front porch. Let's see...yep! That about covers it. Oh...and a jar of sun tea brewin' on the porch. There...that's it. Zinnias...did I mention zinnias....and peonys...

7) Hmmm...let's see. I love to hear old timers tell stories. I could listen to Uncle Howard, Granny Fannon, or my Uncle Keith for hours on end (all of whom will never read this blog, so I feel safe in referring to them as "old timers"). I love to hear how things used to be done, what used to be where, and how to make something from nothing, a skill very few possess these days. I love to hear content people talk about causes me to be more content!

There you go! And I now tag Kim and Carrie to post 7 things about themselves!


CDJ said...

What a "fun" post!
love you

Shelley said...

I enjoyed your list. Thanks for playing!

anitazim said...

Okay, then. Gimme back that International Delight Pumpkin Pie Spice creamer I left at your house last week. I didn't know you hated coffee now!!! And I'm supposed to know you best!! ARG! !! !!! (I like exclamation marks like you like the quotations, Joey).
tee you!