Friday, October 16, 2009

Quotes of the Day

Jeff and Owen are hunting this weekend, and the little boys are rather down about being left behind. Bedtime was a fiasco, with one stall tactic followed by another. Two quotes that simply must be remembered for all eternity were uttered by the mouths of my two youngest. Totally cracked me up!

Levi, stalling as best he could, just keeps talking and talking about nothing in particular. Finally, after I don't take the bait, he states in despair,

"But Momma! It's just that sometimes, every direction looks like North!"

Then, when that doesn't trigger a bedtime postponing discussion, he says (quite dramatically),

"Momma? Sometimes, when I think about when you had cancer, it just makes me so sad..."

at which Isaac sits up abruptly from his cozy bed and says, "WHAT! You had cancer?!!!!"

(He must've missed it!)

Totally cracked me up!


"From the rising of the sun to the going down of the same, the Name of the Lord shall be praised!"

I just read this on my cousin Cari's blog and I think it says exactly what I'm needing to write right now. These are her thoughts and her words, but somehow they are mine as well! Don'tcha just love family?!

I think I may have forgotten how to blog. It's been so long. Several times a day, I think of some freshly illumined truth, or surprising connection and I say to myself, "Self, you should blog that!" And then the day continues. My thoughts continue. But I never find the time to sit and write it out. When I do sit down to "pen some words", I can't quite remember how the truth or the illumination occurred, and in a late-day fog, I can't quite piece together the sequence of surprise, much less, the connections. I forget. I blog to remember, but at some point I must remember to blog:)

But this is what I know for sure. God is good all the time. He is Truth and Light and Love and Purpose. Unpredictable, yet Reliable. Uncomfortable, but Comforting. Simply Complex.

Monday, October 5, 2009

“Not everything that can be counted counts,and not everything that counts can be counted.”
Albert Einstein, 1879-1955