Saturday, August 29, 2009


It has occurred to me...slowly but surely...that I don't need to write a book with each entry. Just a little blip about how I'm doing would suffice. I avoid updating, though, b/c I don't seem to have time to gather my thoughts. are my un-gathered thoughts in a nutshell...
The boys started school, I started physical therapy for my post-surgeries right arm, Jeff is working and enjoying his job, and the weather is getting cooler every day. We are almost tired of cherry tomatoes from our garden, but we are lovin' the sunflowers the boys planted. My trips to TX are spread out enough that we hardly notice them anymore, and I've discovered Farmville on Facebook. Definitely a waste of time...but still fun.
I have lots of summer pics to post...when I get around to it.
Hope you are enjoying this last bit of summer. We are trying to drain every last drop out of it...and are eagerly awaiting autumn!
Thanks for checking in!