Friday, March 5, 2010

A Visit with Phyllis

Yesterday, I had the sweet opportunity to spend a day with my friend, Sherry, and her mother, Phyllis.  Although I've known Sherry for a long while, I only met Phyllis as I was battling breast cancer.  She is a precious, precious soul who, along with her circle of friends, prayed diligently for me as I was going through my cancer treatments and surgeries. 

A year to the day after my diagnosis, Phyllis was diagnosed with a very similar type of breast cancer.  I was able to refer her to my physician in Houston who took excellent care of her, and within a year, she was cancer free as well.

Elation turned to disappointment within a few months, though, as we learned that she was now being held hostage by a totally different cancer...this time, pancreatic.  Phyllis fought that battle as courageously as she could, but last month, MD Anderson explained that they had done all they could do, and they dismissed her to return home, enjoying her days with friends and relatives close at hand.

Our visit yesterday was so, so sweet.  As daughter turned into caregiver, I watched Sherry adjust pillows, tenderly hold a cup and straw for her mother, and relax on the bed next to her, gently rubbing her arm and hand.  Phyllis wanted us near, and she wanted to hear us laugh and talk.  So we spent the afternoon telling stories, and laughing and crying, sitting on or around Phyllis' bed. 

When it was time for lunch, she asked us to eat in her room, so we could keep visiting.  She dozed in and out, and that was fine with us.  We've never been known to shy away from conversation!  So when Phyllis nodded off, Sherry, her sister Kathy, and I would continue visiting, and laughing, and gasping in amazement at each others stories.  Phyllis would awaken, and smile, and contribute her two cents, and then doze off again.  If we talked too softly, she would demand, "Talk!", and we knew that we should raise our voices.

She shared poetry that she had written, and sweet words about her son, who had just left to return to Kansas City for a bit.  It was just really, really a precious time.

Outside Phyllis' house, signs of Spring were everywhere. I had to be careful of where I stepped, as bulbs were bursting through the ground on every side of the house. I thought there was surely a sermon in this photo. The promise of life continuing was evident all around.

When we were leaving, we hugged, and I told her how much I loved her, and how good it was to see her.  When she kissed Sherry goodbye, Sherry said, "Mom-I'm staying." This had been the plan all along, but between cat naps, Phyllis had missed that little tidbit. The relief that was on her face was priceless, so she hugged Sherry anyway!  I think mostly because she was so pleased with the arrangement.

Kathy brought me back to my car in Missouri, and I enjoyed a breezy, quiet ride home, thanking God for His provision, for His tender love, and for families...what a wonderful idea.

My own momma was waiting at my house, where she had snuggled my littlest, and put him to bed long before his brothers returned from their ball game with their daddy and Grandpa.  Like I said, familes are a wonderful idea!

Enjoy your weekend.  Enjoy the sunshine.  Be thankful.  We are together here for just a short while.  Hug a neck.  Kiss a cheek.  Laugh.  Life is good.

Blessings to you and yours,



kim said...

What a great post Leslie - families are an amazing gift to us! So glad you got to be there for Sherry and her momma.