Monday, July 28, 2008

Lengthy and Long Overdue...

I don't know whether to start way back when or just skip to the good news...

Let's go back a ways....

  • I'm nearly done with the proton therapy that I mentioned weeks ago. It has been amazingly tolerable. Not a single side effect that I can see. I walk backwards now, but other than that...JUST KIDDING! It has been a breeze. For awhile there were some problems, as the main "thingy" that produces the proton beam went on the fritz. I had to settle for the "Lexus" of radiation for a few days until the "Lamborghini" was repaired and running again. Ahhh...the trials of the radiated! was quickly fixed, and I was back in the proton program within a week.

By the way...I don't think I've posted this anywhere until now, but I'm their first breast cancer MD Anderson in the proton treatment center! How 'bout that. Their slogan (MD Anderson's) is "Making Cancer History", and...I did!

  • As for the "regular" radiation, I finished that on Friday (25th of July). I've got a great sunburn from it, but that's about it. I met some terrific patients and outstanding staff during my "radiant" summer. I have pictures and stories to post soon. Shane, Susan, and Danyel were my radiation therapists. I wish you all could meet them. They were the absolute best...very professional, yet very personable. I consider them lifelong friends now, and can't wait for Jeff to come back with me so I can introduce them to him.

So, now for the grand finale....

  • I met with my medical oncologist, Dr. Booser, on Wednesday of last week. He told me that he has been reviewing the research, and sees no benefit in sending me through those 10 extra weeks of chemotherapy we had been planning on. "So, let's just move on to the Herceptin every 3 weeks," he calmly stated.

Excuse me...say that again? I'm DONE?!!! Just like that...I'm through with everything? Just Herceptin every three weeks until further notice. It doesn't even have any side'm through!

I was so stunned that I had to run it by my radiation oncologist, Dr. Woodward.

"What does this mean?"

"Well, basically, you're cancer free, we've done all we would do, and you've responded extremely well. We'd love to say that it'll never come back again, and we certainly hope it won't, but the truth of the matter is that there is no rhyme or reason to cancer. You are through with treatments, (except Herceptin), you are cancer free, and it's really just 'Have a great life, and call us if you need us!'"

Are you kidding me? To quote one of my father-in-law's old time preacher acquaintances...HOT HALLELUJAH!

Now, obviously I'll be going back regularly for checkups, as well as reconstructive surgery, but...HELLO...the cancer is GONE!

I know! Stunning, isn't it? Feel blind-sided? Me too! I truly believe that I've been healed, by the hand of God and his skilled physicians. I don't even know how to sum it all up, but when it's all soaked in, I'll write it here first.

Thank you all for your support, your prayers, and your love. We have been blessed beyond our wildest imagination.

Leave me a note when you read this. I'd love to hear what you're thinking about my news!

Love and blessings,

( I realize at this point I may have failed to mention earlier that Jeff and I, along with my oncologists, feel that Herceptin only will be sufficient post-cancer treatment, and we have chosen not to participate in their Bone Marrow Transplant study at this time. In a nutshell, they still have no proof that it would be beneficial to me...especially since I'm already cancer free, and will be on Herceptin for years to come. Herceptin, a "monoclonal antibody" works by marking the cancer cells as foreign cells, and allows my own immune system to kick 'em in the tail! Developed right here at MD Anderson, thank you very much! I think I'll let them work the kinks out of the BMT before I jump right in.)


Anonymous said...

HOLLY COW SISTER - YOU'VE DONE IT!!!! Not that I ever doubted that you of all people would show that breast cancer thing who's the Boss (I capitalize Boss, because we all know who's really in charge). Just another one of the Lords' amazing miracles that you can only stand back and go "WOW!!!!" I am so incredibly happy for you!!! PRAISE GOD!!!

Anonymous said...

amazing grace is absolutely right! yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!! we are so happy for you and love you! congratulations! you are amazing through all of this! you deserve all of the blessings and more! your life is truly a testimony to gods amazing grace!

CDJ said...

We just continue to praise our Loving Creator. I love you so much and this post has me grinning ear to ear. Thank you so much for sharing this didn't have to, but you did, and MANY are blessed because of God's Light and your willingness to shine. Plus also, you rock!

Anonymous said...


What awesome news! I'm glad to hear that it's time to park the "Lamborghini" in the garage. :-) Please know that we will continue to keep you in our thoughts and prayers. You have truly been an inspiration
to all of us!


Piper Paradise said...

What wonderful news!

kim said...

we are soooo happy for you right now. We have a mighty mighty God.

Shout with joy to God, all the earth! Sing the glory of his name; make his praise glorious! Say to God, "How awesome are your deeds! So great is your power that your enemies cringe before you. All the earth bows down to you; they sing praise to you, they sing praise to your name." PS 66:1-4

We are shouting with Joy for you Leslie and praising our God for having his Mighty right hand upon you. He loves you soooo much and so do we!!!! I can't wait to sit and have coffee with you sometime soon!

Call me! Love,

Anonymous said...

HALLELUJAH!!!!! PRAISE THE LORD!!! We are all so excited for the Lord's healing of your body. We are in constant Praise in the Newdiger house for all of His Good Works. We are doin' the "Hallelujah Dance" which has become very popular in this household!

the Newdiger 7
Tim & Brenda
Daniel, Eli, Jonathan
Brenna & Maya

Jeannie Beannie said...

Leslie-Next year at this time you will try to remember the details but you won't be able to. Isn't it great that we are made that way??? I never had any doubts that you would be healed because God needs you here . I love you and all your family.


Donna said...

God truely is wonderful and I know he sent you here to Texas not only for the best treatments available but also to send a message of hope, survival, and strength to all you have come in contact with here....I know I have seen God's wonders in you and just knowing you these few weeks leaves me to search the message God has for me in your prescence here...A reminder in my own life that God is amazing...The peace of the Lord go with you...your Texas neighbor, Donna.

Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord Leslie! Isn't He the most wonderful part of our lives? You have been so strong through this ordeal and I admire you so deeply and praise God for your dedication to Him. You & Jeff are very special people and I'm so happy that God chose to heal you. We will continue to keep you in our prayers.

Gene & Judith

Anonymous said...

What an answer to prayer! Praise the Lord!! We look forward to seeing you & Jeff in Sunday School.

Donna Hillman

Anonymous said...

Praise be to our great God. I don't even know you, but I'm sitting here with tears of gratitude. Thank you Jesus! Thanks for sharing with us. May you continue to be a blessing even as you have already been.
Love in Him,
Cheri (Suzie Denney's sister)

Anonymous said...


I just read your blog and what wonderful news!!! I know you want to jump from the roof top….let’s just shout and save some broken bones. Wow, less than a year of treatments!!! Praying reconstruction will go just as well and you will feel whole again.

I’m looking forward to having you two back in Sunday School.

The Lord is sooo good and works all things for our good!!! I’m sure your life and blog have touched many lives and you will continue to touch lives with your testimony of God’s goodness.


Shannah said...

Leslie - this is fantastic news! It is so exciting to see how God works both through the skill of doctors and in His own amazing way!!!

Anonymous said...

Praise God! I can't wait to share this news with our Sunday night women's group!!!

To God, be the glory, great things He hath done!!!

Sue Mc

Anonymous said...

Wow! You have been in my prayers and I am so glad to hear your wonderful news!!!!! What a great testimony you have been. I try to keep up on the know through Renee. Again your news is great. Working with cancer patients and knowing ones personally(to many to think of, unfortunantly)it is grreat when we see the GREATNESS of HIS healing.

Anonymous said...


Praise God for your healing, for you and for your family! I always believed in my heart that God would heal you to go on and tell your amazing story of faith, inspiration and hope to so many others going through the same thing. It will be my continued prayer that God keeps you safe and healthy in His hands and continues to bless you, Jeff and the boys just as you have blessed all of us with your lives and your story. A million thank-yous to God would not be enough -- but it is where I will start. We look forward to seeing you back in Sunday School and back at Ladies Night Out! We all love and miss you guys!