Monday, July 7, 2008

Quick Hello

Just wanted to write a bit and let you know that I'm still doing fine. I go into the medical center every day for radiation, and then come home. It's pretty's not uncomfortable or anything. I just lay on a table, and they set their cross hairs on me (I come from a huntin' family), and then I'm done. It hardly even makes a noise. Much more pleasant than anything I've had done to me thus far!

I've stayed up too late already, but I wanted you to know that I'm fine. Owen is down here with me for the next couple of weeks. He's a blast. He has a good sense of humor, loves to hear and tell a good story, enjoys playing games, and is enjoying me almost as much as I'm enjoying him. I can't believe he's almost nine already...his birthday is this Friday! What a guy! And did I mention how strong he is? I don't have to carry a thing!

I'll write more another night. I have lots of stories to stories, 4th of July, etc. Right now, it's pushing midnight, and I'd better get to sleep.

Thanks for your continued prayers. I appreciate them so much.




CDJ said...

I'm so glad you're doing well. I'm coming to see you soon. Let's set a date. Love you!

Anonymous said...

This too will be a quick hello. I'm glad to hear you're doing so well. I hadn't talked with anyone in your family lately and had no idea how things were going. I think of you and pray for you and your family often. (Every time I go around that corner by your mom and dad's house and almost hit a guinnea!) Love you, Beth Killingsworth