Monday, June 30, 2008

More Good News!

Well, hip-hip-hooray! I found out today that I don't have to have my neck radiated. Apparently, at one point, an ultrasound showed that I had an enlarged lymph node in my neck that they suspected was also cancerous. Well, long story short, my cousin and medical-connection-extraordinaire, Jenny, called in a favor from the head of the Head and Neck Ultrasound department at MD Anderson, and she (the department head) did another ultrasound of my neck this morning. After comparing it with my original, she determined that what the other department thought was an enlarged lymph node was actually a blood vessel...yep...a blood vessel, and does not require any treatment of any kind. Her words..."Don't let them radiate your neck." Well, don't worry sister! I won't!

It's only by the grace of God that they haven't radiated my neck already, since my radiation treatments are already beginning their 3rd week! Ordinarily they would have, but my fantastic Radiation Oncologist (who could be the long, lost twin of my sister-in-law, much so that I could chat with her for hours!) said she didn't want to radiate it until she knew exactly which node they were suspicious of...and then she ordered the follow-up ultrasound! Wasn't that wise!? Evidently, in the healthy world, you don't just go around radiating things just to be safe! Well, bless my soul! How about that for God getting in my business? Aunt Teresa and I had a good chuckle about that this morning! You'd think He was taking care of me or something! :o)

So...all those many years ago, when Jenny entered medical school...and even before that..maybe when Aunt Teresa met Uncle Howard...or even when Grandma Walker had Aunt Teresa (just one of her 12 children)...or even when...well, you get the picture...God knew that one day Jenny would be callin' in a favor for her cousin from Missouri! How cool is that?!

Kinda makes you think that there's a reason for what YOU dealt with today, doesn't it? And we know that He works ALL things together for our good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.

So, thank you all for your continued prayers. What a wonderful gift you are giving to me and my family!

Thank you Jenny! Thank you "Head of Head and Neck Ultrasonography", thank you fantastic Radiation Oncologist, and thank you God!

...did I just win something? They like me! They really like me!


kim said...

AWESOME Leslie!!! Hope to see you this weekend!

Rebecca said...

Praise God!!!

The Rook Family said...

Great news, Leslie! He does have a hand in all things doesn't he?