Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Big Plans!

Well, not really...but the boys think so! Today they both are going with me to treatment. There is a childcare facility ("Kids Club" as we call it) just upstairs, and they are going to play with all the "cool toys" while momma gets radiated just a few feet below them! How strange is that?! Anyway, after that, we are all heading to Galveston for dinner. Might as well...we're this close, right! Levi wants to get in the ocean again, but Isaac says no! "There are crabs in there!" He is COMPLETELY afraid of crabs...saw one tiny one on his first visit to the beach, and has never forgotten it. That's why in those first pictures of our visit, he is walking on Jeff's boots. Silly guy! Anyway, we want to eat by the ocean, and so we are!

Everything continues to go well. I'm even getting good at driving in Houston traffic. I must be one of the best, because a few people have even given me the "#1" sign! (Oh, that was awful!) Anyway, hope your week is going well. I'll write more later!




kim said...


I am so glad things are going well for you!!!! Praying for continued blessings. Sounds like you are also getting to have a little fun too!!!! Keep us posted.

Lots of Love,