Sunday, November 4, 2007

Home Again

Hi again. It's Sunday night, and we made it home today about 5 or so. What a blessing to travel by air...a 13 hour trip completed in 1.5 hours! Amazing. Thanks Nanette and Lisa for arranging that!

I have so many funny stories I could share. I wish each of you could experience the kind of professional treatment I received at MD Anderson. They called me by name in nearly every department. "Good mornin' Miz Davis. You back again?", "Good morning Ms. Davis...can I get you a warm blanket?", "Don't worry, Meez Davees...we gonna take veddy good care of you." (That's as good as I can do at typing foreign accents!)

I got so tickled at the lady trying to explain how I should drink their barium mixture before my CT scan. If you've never had to do that, it's like drinking 3 bottles of something a little thicker than Mylanta...but WAY worse in taste. I told her, "I haven't eaten that much of anything I LIKE...I don't know how I'm gonna down that! Then, this sweet little lady with an Oriental accent goes on to explain, "Eeef you feel like you going to vomit, just don't drink eeeny more." "Well don't worry!" I assured her! Good heavens! I just looked at the first two 12 oz cups they gave me and all I could say was, "OH BOY!" That little Oriental lady and her Middle Eastern assistant just laughed and laughed! "'OH BOY' she say! 'OH BOY she say!'" That stuff was putrid, but I managed to drink 1 and 1/2 cups (not the recommended 3). As I timidly sipped the mixture, I tried to remind myself to be thankful that God enabled someone to develop this test that allows them to see inside me so non-invasively. It helped a little, but it still tasted horrid!

Oh...I almost little Oriental friend also explained the potential hazards of the Iodine injection they were going to give me. "Dees Iodine make you feel veddy veddy hot. Eeef you feel lips tingling, eyes eeetching, throat swelling let us know. You having veddy bad reaction. You allergic!" Once again, I assured her, "Don't worry! You'll be the first to know!" Oh yeah! No worries! Just a little shot of Iodine! Good grief!

At this point, I would like to thank Jeff, my cousin Nanette, and Uncle Howard and Aunt Teresa for making me laugh so hard while waiting for this test that I nearly choked on my Barium! They kept saying, "Eeef you feel teengly, eeef you gonna vomit, eeef you throat swell shut....!" Thanks guys!

Anyhoo...I am done with testing! Praise the Lord! Some were pleasant, some were definitely not, but throughout all of them I reminded myself that people were praying for me. Thank you all so much.

I did have many enjoyable moments in Houston. One of which was getting to go to church with Jenny and her family. They attend Lakewood church, where Joel Osteen is pastor. Anyway, Jenny's friend got word to Joel Osteen's mother, Dodie Osteen, that I was in need of prayer, and we were seated on the second row in that huge church. When it was time to ask for prayer, a security guard took me, Jeff, Jenny and her daughter, Gabrielle, right up front to the alter, and Dodie Osteen prayed over me. She is a 20+ year cancer survivor, and was healed after the doctors told her she had only 6 weeks to live, so she is a firm believer in prayer and the authority God has over disease. Anyway, in the name of Jesus, she commanded my cancer to wither and die, and then she thanked God for the testimony Jeff and I would have through this, and she thanked him that, should the Lord tarry, someday we would celebrate our 50th anniversary. It was rather overwhelming to have a stranger pray over me, much less a well known person, but it was really peaceful, too.

After the service, I went around to where Joel Osteen has a "meet and greet" time with all the visitors. I was just trying to get a picture of him, when one of the security personnel noticed me, and asked, "Would you like to meet him?" I told them, "That's okay, the line is already closed for the night." She said, "No, come to the front." Then she had me walk around, and she led me under the security rope, and she placed me right at the front of the line, and Joel Osteen himself shook my hand and prayed with me. It was really something...I've only watched him on TV, and now he was holding my hand and praying for Jeff and I. Not that I believe his or Dodie's prayers are any more effective than any of our prayers, but it was just exciting to be in their presence. It sounds a little hokie when I type it out...but it was really very...neat (for lack of a better word.)

Let's see, what else? I was treated like a queen, showered with gifts, and totally doted over by my cousins and their families as well as by my aunt and uncle. Thank you Jenny, Nanette, Brenda, Teresa and all your wonderful families! What a treat. Meanwhile, back here on the home front, my entire family pitched in to help with my boys. Thanks Mom and Daddy, Suzan, Anita, Jim and Kevin and all their families! For some reason, you all look a little tired! :o) I wonder why?

I go in tomorrow for another round of chemotherapy. This one and one more, and I'll be done with the stuff that makes me nauseous...then just on to more chemo that has fewer side effects. That will be a blessing.

Our prayer needs are: 1)healing 2)wisdom for the doctors who are treating me 3)effectiveness of the drugs used (sometimes they work, sometimes they don't) 4)peace and comfort for my husband and my children. This is definitely not our "normal" schedule 5)peace for my mind and the absence of fear and worry. Neither of those last two come from God, but the devil likes to bother me with them, and I'm tired of him, frankly. He's much less effective when I'm well rested, so I think I will close this entry for now and get some rest.

We love you all, and thank you for your prayers.

Leslie, Jeff, Owen, Levi, and Isaac

p.s. I would like to publicly apologize for using the "SH**" word in my last post. :o) Even though it was only a quote, I was reminded upon my arrival home that I was not raised to speak that way! So, from now on, no foul language quotes of any kind...I think! I mean, really, that one was funny!
Also, in the photos above, the first two are obviously Joel Osteen, then there is a picture of me and Jenny(my cousin), and next a photo of MD Anderson's main bldg, and the last photo is just a pretty fountain that was near the medical center. I have tons more photos, and I'll share some of them later.


Nan said...

Bless your heart Leslie! I'm sitting here crying and laughing at the same time. I love ya girl! You need to write books....
I think it's pretty cool to meet Joel Olsteen and his mother too and to be prayed for by them! I know all of our prayers are heard by the Lord the same, but I still think that was "neat" (good word)
You have the best attitude and I am so inspired and uplifted every time I read your blog. Keep it up and remember how much we love all of you.

Jamie said...

To quote from one of my favorite movies (in my best southern drawl)..."Laughter through tears is my favorite emotion!" You are a beautiful friend. I praise God that through all this, you continue to glorify Him. I consider it a privilege to be among the many who are in direct contact with your Great Physician.

Love you bunches!

Anonymous said...

Leslie, Words just cannot say what I want to. Maybe a hug to let you know that you are constantly in my prayer time. Please, know that I'm available to help with the boys anytime.

CDJ said...

I love you even if you are a potty-mouth. I really do!

Anonymous said...

DEEP BREATH..........As I sit here and read your entries I think about how trival thingss are compared to what I could be dealing with. If you can continue with your out look on things I cant help but think it has got to help. A healthy mental state contributes to a healthy physical state. Humor is the best medicine. When mom was sick we would laugh about all the things she was going through and dealing with it helped. It is not gonna change anything if you cry or throw a fit. THe outcome is the same you might as well laugh and joke about it and enjoy the ride that God has put in front of you. You may never have any answers to the Why, How Come, What for but just rest in the fact the God is in control. I love you and I am praying for you and ALL your family

Love you

anitazim said...

I'm so glad to have you home. I can't wait to squeeze you and hear more about your trip. You continually touch my heart with your words. Love you the MOST! Anita

Anonymous said...

I'm sure proud of you! Love you so much.

Anonymous said...

It is great to hear about your progress. We continue to pray for you daily. Thanks to Jim we finally got on your blog spot, you knew he was good for something, right? With all our love.

Anonymous said...

I am Cory Beltz's wife and will continue to pray for you and your family. If you would ever like to catch up with us see my blog

Anonymous said...

Leslie-Love reading your spot. You are awesome and good things are going to happen. Fight. . . fight. . . fight.

Love and prayers-

Anonymous said...


Dingsma said...

I miss your updates, please send one when you can.

Anonymous said...


It was so great seeing you the other week. I heard from Jeff in church today that you have had a pretty rough week. But, on the up-side, you guys are headed back to TX for more consultations. Stay strong and know that you are not alone in this fight. You have thousands of people praying for your return to full health and praying for peace for you and Jeff and the boys. I think of you and pray for you every time I pass by a mirror and see the pink in my hair. And, just to cover all the bases, I have my Catholic friends back in Baltimore lighting candles in the church for you and my Jewish friends doing whatever they do in the synagogue! You are such an inspiration to everyone around you and have always been. I, for one, am so blessed to know you. Good luck in Houston -- Sunny days will return to you!!

Kathy Haralson (and Darren, too, of course!)

Carrie said...


Heard it's been a long week (Heard from Mom that heard it from Jamie that heard from Grandma ... nothing like the Davis grapevine!) Glad you are home.
Love and prayers,

Unknown said...

Leslie, I want you to know that you, Jeff and the kids have continually been in our thoughts. We have been keeping up with you and praying for you. Need any meals and or housekeeping? My girls and I are ready to jump in.
Lots of love,
Suzanne Lennard
(I never knew you were such a great writer! You had me laughing so hard I was crying.)

Anonymous said...

Leslie, your strength, humor, and genuine beauty are a true inspiration to all of us. I know that good things are in store for you! I've read your whole blog and all of the comments and it is obvious to me that with all of the love, prayers and support from your friends and family your illness doesn't have a chance! With loving thoughts and prayers from Minnesota,

Kelly Scharber (Anita's Friend :-)