Thursday, November 1, 2007

Hello again!

Hello everyone! I apologize for taking so long to give you an update, but we have been on the run for this whole week. I met with my doctor on Monday, and he went over my records. Basically, we got the same diagnosis. The breast cancer has spread to my lymph nodes under my arms as well as the T7 vertebrae. He said that I'm "technically incurable", but that could just mean that I have to receive medication for the next 50 years. When those words came out of his mouth, all I could think was "Thankfully, God doesn't function in the "technical" realm!"

The physician went on to say that the medication he recommends has shown great results, and he has patients who just take it on a weekly basis and have had no sign of their cancer for 13+ years. So that was encouraging.

On the "flesh" side, I am weary of being poked, stuck, prodded, and shoved! Those of you who know me well are fully aware of my aversion to needles. I can take a shot anyday, but you go drawin' stuff out of me, or leaving an IV in me, and I start to see stars!

Tuesday night, I had to go in for lab work. The lady who was to draw my blood was just sitting there waiting on me. I felt obligated to inform her of my inablility to sit upright while being siphoned. "Listen," I said, " I don't do well with this. I need to recline, and I have to turn my head away." (Pardon my French henceforth) She replied, "Well, know you bizness...look away if you gots to...but I gots to look. Ummmhmmm." Then she started humming. As I looked to the left, she had a little card on her bulletin board that read: PUT ON YOUR BIG GIRL PANTIES AND DEAL WITH IT! I started laughing so hard, that I didn't even realize she was done. "Ummmhmmm," she continued, "What kind of work do you do?" I told her I was raising 3 very active boys. "Ummmmhmmmm...What you do before that?" she asked. I told her that I taught preschool. "Ummmhmmm...well, ain't no reason to get used to needles and blood in that line of bizness, is there?" "Well," she continued, "Dat's it! Last call for alcohol! You done!" I laughed all the way out to the waiting room! That was the best bloodwork I've ever had done!

After that, I had an 9:30pm! I didn't even know they did MRI's that late at night! We didn't leave the hospital until 10:45! And I hadn't eaten! Thankfully, my cousin Nanette (sister to Jenny with whom we are staying) had fixed us a roast, potatoes, and carrots as well as hot rolls! I didn't stay hungry long.

Yesterday, I had a mammogram, chest xray, and a CT scan. We left the hospital around 8 I think.

Tomorrow I have more tests, and then we are trying to time my next chemo treatment. Here or'll just depend.

That's about all I know. I'm enjoying Houston. There are so many pretty things to see, not to mention fantastic food. Best of all, we are enjoying a long overdue family reunion with cousins I haven't seen in probably 20 years. What a wonderful family God has blessed me with!

Blessings to you all. Thank you for your prayers. Please continue to pray for us. That's more important than anything else!

We love you all,

Leslie and Jeff


Anonymous said...

Hi Leslie...I have never met you but right now you are a major inspiration to me...thank you. I am facing some difficult times with my dad(he has epilepsy and seizures are getting worse and more frequent.) I hope and pray I can face that situation with half the resilliance you ar facing your cancer. Jeff, I commend are awesome! God bless you both! should be mighty proud of your mom and dad...stand strong for them and love them with all your heart. - Tonya

CDJ said...

Girl, you are cracking me way on up! I miss you, and will just keep praying for ya! love you

Jamie said...

First of all, I just LOVE the way you write. I can just hear your blood-drawing gal in my head. How great!

More importantly, I so appreciate your updates, Leslie. You are such a strong-in-the-Lord woman. I just know that God will be glorified through these happenings in your life. You and your family are such a blessing!

Love you!

Anonymous said...

Leslie I love you so much! Miss you.


kim said...

I am so glad to hear from you - I have had you on my mind! Just a verse for thought....Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved for you are my praise. Jeremiah 17:14 And, another.... I am the Lord, who heals you. Exodus 15:26 Your faith is and will amaze people through this Leslie! Trusting in the Lord's devine healing with you! Love you lots, and miss you!Kim

Kolby said...

Hi Leslie. My mom sent me the link to your blog. We are praying for your return to full health daily. I hope that the care that you are recieving in Houston will be what you need. Kolby

Beth Killingsworth said...

Hey Leslie! I just found out what is going on in your life on Friday night - (from Carla Ruark). I am impressed with your attitude and I know that God is with you. I'm putting you on our prayer list at Arcola Christian Church (a few more prayers can never hurt!) This website is a wonderful tool. I will check it often. Know that we love you and are thinking of you and praying for you and your family! - Beth Killingsworth

anitazim said...

Gosh I can't wait to see my big sister! Hurry home to us. I'm so thankful for you! Anita