Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Good News!

Hello again. I thought you might like an update after our trip to Houston. We were there all of last week, and "suffered" through 60-70 degree sunny weather! We are so tough!

Monday, the 26th, we met with a neurosurgeon, who was so positive and enthusiastic that we left the appointment smiling. He said he was completely fine with the lesion on my spine. He showed us our MRI, and said that even if the currently diseased area were completely destroyed (which doesn't appear to be the case), that it was such a small area it still wouldn't "require" surgery. He continued by saying that when dealing with breast cancer on the bone, his experience has been that often times the very medication I am already on will stop, shrink, or even eradicate the disease on the bone.

He said since I am so early in my fight, and we really have no comparison with before/after treatment, he suggested that we come back in February and see how the area on my bone is reacting to the chemotherapy. He said if we could control/treat that area with medication, he would much rather do that than surgery. However, if for any reason it is not responding well (which would be unusual), then we could pursue radiation of that area, and surgery as a last resort. He was pleased that my back was not hurting, and that I was not experiencing any neuropathy. His comment was that if we could even just keep the diseased bone the way it is now for fifty years by using medication, he was "completely fine" with that. Praise the Lord!

Wednesday we met with the Bone Marrow Transplant team...the physician, the physician's assistant, the assistant's assistant :0), the coordinator, the business office....a whole crew of people. We found out that I am a potential candidate for two types of bone marrow transplant...one using chemotherapy and one using radiation (IV). They will continue to monitor my response to my chemotherapy to determine which type will be best suited for my situation. Either type would be a "final blow" to the cancer in my body. I would receive a transplant of my own blood cells...after all my chemotherapy, radiation, and any necessary surgeries. The transplant would be to completely kill any remaining cancer in my bones...anywhere!

Further praise...we found out today by phone that our insurance WILL cover the transplant, and the case manager went on to say that she believes that our policy even offers travel benefits whereby they would offer some reimbursement for lodging/meals while we are in Houston for the transplant. How about that! Just out of the blue...YOU'RE COVERED! Isn't it fun to sit back and watch God work? We are really enjoying it!

Thank you all so much for your continued prayers. Their effectiveness is evident each and every day. I am scheduled for another treatment this Friday...so it may be awhile before my next update. Please feel free to leave a comment, though. I enjoy hearing from all of you.

Love to you all,
Leslie, Jeff, and the boys


kim said...


What GREAT news! Isn't it amazing how much the Lord loves us. By the way you look fabulous in the picture below with the boys. Your face looks full of joy. Each time in your posts you tell us all how thankful you are for us - but I hope you know just how thankful we are for you. What a blessing you are to so many of us. I love you lots and if I don't talk with you before have a wonderful Christmas with those boys! Kim

Jamie said...

It was SOOO great to see you on Sunday. Such a huge blessing to get to visit with you in person! Your whole family is a joy and I love to see them...but it was just extra special to have you there to complete the crew. :)

God is so good and I am thankful to see how He is working through this time in your life. Love you so much and I'll be praying for you.


anitazim said...

Even though we've spoken, it was so good to read the synopsis of what you experienced and what's ahead...and most importantly, just how good God is! I love the pictures of the boys...I can just hear them splashing at the beach and playing in that fort! How much fun!! Love you so much! Way, way more than you know. Anita
p.s. Sloan's been saying "Isaac" at every bye-oh-baby singing session....I can hardly get anyone else's name in edgewise. We need to see you all!

Anonymous said...

Praise God! In this Christmas season of miracles, we continue to pray for the miracle of healing for you. Continue to keep that upbeat attitude, Leslie...a strong mind focused on winning (you're on His team - you can't lose!) is a big asset in the battle. Hi to Jeff - he'll always be one of my favorite former Heritage Boys....