Thursday, January 17, 2008

WHAT in the WORLD was THAT?

My treatments are still going well, bar a minor glitch that involved my oncologist in Springfield and my oncologist in Houston refusing to work together anymore...yah...nice, eh? It was a big to-do that was just immediately overtaken by what can only be described as a Tsunami of prayer as only my friends and family can produce...and now there is peace. A little "post Tsunami" debris...but peace.

Jeff's words today were, "Well...WHAT was that? And what happened to change the doctor's mind?"

My answer, "Well...Aunt Teresa sicked the hounds of heaven on him...that's what happened!"

She told me last night after she prayed with me over the phone, "I always just pray, 'Lord, work on them while they're sleeping. If they won't listen to you during the day, speak to them at night when they can't argue with you!" Well, evidently she's right, because problem.
Isn't God amazing? I don't know that either of my doctor's are Christians, but I believe God can use them to heal me anyway. And, occasionally, He may sneak up behind them and smack 'em on the head to get them back in line. Who knows...just my little mental image!

Anyway, time will tell, but for now all is well. I will rest easy tonight, knowing the Great Physician has already figured it out. No need to I've heard so many times, God goes before his children making the crooked places straight. I just didn't realize sometimes He also paves the road as He goes!

We love you all. Thank you so much for everything. You have no idea what a blessing you are to our family. Thanks!

Love and blessings to you,

Leslie, Jeff, and the boys


Dingsma said...

Leslie, Thanks for the update. For some of us your blog is our only connection. We pray for you and think of you often. It is great to see what blessings have been pouring out on to you and yours. God bless you greatly and often.

CDJ said...

Just wanted to say hi and tell you that I love you.

I love you.

Anonymous said...

I love hesring how you are doing! I think of you and pray for you everyday!

Glenda (Anits's friend in AZ)

Jamie said...

It's so good to hear from you. Thanks for keeping us posted about your journey. Love you bunches!


Anonymous said...

Leslie, So....I come to your site to see how you are and what words I can give to uplift you and every time I find myself being uplifted and blessed by you and your beautiful spirit and attitude! God is using you in such a big way and I have to say I just love you alot!

Anonymous said...

Just checking in to see how you are. As always you and your family are in our prayers. You are a blessing!
Tammy M

warbird2010 said...

You have a neighbor in Battlefield just down the street if you need something. Don't be afraid to call.

Jim Cox