Sunday, February 3, 2008

Flyin' High

Good afternoon! Thanks for checking back in after my long absence. After talking with a few friends, I realized that my last entry was a bit misleading. As you may remember, my doctors (here and in TX) got into a bit of a disagreement concerning my treatment. I remarked that our prayers were answered, and I was able to get treatment locally, and was very pleased, which is true. I didn't want to go into all the details, b/c there are many, many tremendous people working at the local cancer center, and I am very appreciative of their care. I don't want my words to sound disrespectful at all.

HOWEVER...basically, the last day I received treatment locally, my oncologist said I needed to choose...him or my doctor in TX. Well, I didn't ponder the choice very long. My local "across the board" oncologist, or my TX oncologist who is a 20 year specialist in my particular type of breast cancer. Hmmmm....yah, I'm goin' with TX!

The true answer to prayer is that because he drew such a line in the sand, so to speak, the decision was obvious, and there was an immediate peace about it. My brother, my husband, and I were talking about it, and we all agreed that in 10 years, I won't regret having gone to TX. However, I'd probably regret NOT going. So, there you go.

I am now traveling weekly to Houston for my chemotherapy. Sounds crazy, I know, but it is so worth it. I am examined weekly by my oncologist (something that hasn't happened locally since my Dec. 20th appt, and then he only examined my abdomen...still don't know what he was looking for!), and I just feel like I am being monitored much more closely.

My current prayer requests are:

1) My children. They are going without me for at least 2 and sometimes 7 days at a time, which they don't really seem to mind. But the "re-entry" period, when I return, is rather challenging. Literally! There are lots of discipline issues as they check and re-check to see if I'm still in charge. The answer is "Yessir...I am still the momma, and you will do as you are told...the first time...without arguing...or complaining...or stomping your foot...and with a pleasant attitude." It's better today, and I think once we get into the routine of "predictably unpredictable" we'll all be a lot happier! Maybe just pray for obedient spirits, cooperative attitudes, and...well, that'd cover it!

2) Protection from illnesses...for my family and me. I've been doing fine with low counts and all, but Jeff and Isaac have both come down with just a nasty cold, which I can usually skate by, but since my immune system is compromised, well, I'm concerned. We just all need to stay healthy.

3) Traveling mercies...I'm really logging a lot of air miles (not on a credit card, just in real life).

4) My doctor's appt. on FEBRUARY 11th. On this day, starting at 7 am, I will undergo two separate tests to see how the cancer is responding to the chemotherapy. I will also meet with my oncologist, my neurosurgeon, a radiologist, a surgeon, and possibly a member of the bone marrow transplant team to discuss where we go from here. Sounds like a party to me! Hopefully, I'll be reporting fantastic news! Pray for continued healing and for wisdom for those who are treating me.

5) Continued financial provision. New year, new deductible. Jeff's work has been steady lately, due to recent storms, but we would still appreciate your prayers for job security. We don't need any more ice storms or tornados, but a delicate hailstorm that damages some roofs already in need of repair would be nice! :o)

Thank you so much for everything you are doing for us. You have been, and continue to be, such a blessing! I appreciate all of your cards and blog posts. They are so encouraging, and I do read's just that when I get ready to reply...there is usually a discipline issue that comes up. Umhmmm...imagine that with 3 little boys with cabin fever! Hopefully this week will be better.



kim said...


I am always so amazed by your strength to just keep going! You are doing a wonderful job at holding it all together and I just know the Lord is going to reward you for it. We will be praying for your prayer needs and might even just say a prayer or two for the Doctor in Springflield. It sounds like he needs some humility in his life. I sure would hate to answer to the Lord for that one.... Many blessings and we love you!

Anonymous said...


Those are some prayer requests I can and in fact already have lifted up to God...I will keep doing so as well! Isn't it amazing to look at how God works things out! Just like with your doctors...You just keep resting in God's provisions and the peace He provides and we will continue to hold you up in our prayers. We love ya'll more than ever......Nan and family

Jill said...

OK, you ready? I'm Jill in AZ - a friend of Glenda's who is a friend of your sister Anita's. Guess that didn't sound as confusing as I thought it would. =) I was always asking how you were doing, so Glenda gave me the link to your blog a while back. I pray for you constantly, and so is my mom and her prayer group in CA! So you even have people in other states praying for you that you've never met or talked to! I couldn't imgaine walking in your shoes! I can tell you are an amazing woman who seems to be dealing so well with this test from the Lord. I will continue to pray for you and your family. Much love to you.
Your sister in Christ,

Carrie said...

Just read the post from Jill in AZ. You have lots of prayers from those in Indiana also. The girls in my bible study ask about you every week and check your blog daily (it's like a kid with mail ... you just never know when something new is going to be there!)
Obviously you are loved throughout the country and we all believe that prayer works and we are sending them left and right.
You amaze me!
Love and miss you,

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure I know how to post so here goes. . . I don't think we have seen each other for literally 20 years which sure sounds like a long time though it doesn't seem nearly that long. My Mom who still lives in Greenfield just told me about your cancer and blog. I had no idea. I will keep you in my daily prayers. I enjoyed reading your posts. You have such a lovely family. Your writing reflects your sharp mind and quick wit that I have always loved about you. Please do not hesistate to let me know if there is anything I can do to help. I live in Columbia, MO now. You are always welcome in our home should you find medical care at the University helpful. We also have relatives in Houston and I wouldn't hesitate to ask them to assist you if there was anything they could do to help. Stay strong and positive. I'll put you on the prayer list at our church too. I'll be thinking of you. Marsha

Anonymous said...

I'm printing off your prayer concerns and will share them with our Sunday night women's group at church. Your prayer cover is REAL and constant....keep looking up, Leslie!

Jamie said...

It is so good to hear how you are doing. Thank you for being so specific in your prayer requests. You're an amazing gal...but even more, God is amazing through you. What a display of His power and plan you allow yourself to be. I miss seeing your lovely face. Maybe we can catch up at a time when you're home and I'm not sickly. :0

Love you bunches!

Rebecca said...

Hi Leslie,
I am just catching up on your blog. You are such an amazing person. Your sense of humor is absolutely awesome and your love of live is so evident. You are an encouragement to me. I will share your prayer requests with my family. Blessings to you and your family.
With Love,

Shelliott said...

Hi Leslie - I thought about you on Tuesday night when we were having our "gentle hail" hitting the window!

You are a blessing to us!