Friday, March 21, 2008

I've Got It!!!

Okay...bear with me for awhile...I think you'll like this!

From the very beginning of this whole breast cancer ordeal, I have been searching for my own motto, if you will; a battle cry of sorts. I have listened, I have searched, I have tried to be creative (which is rather difficult with "chemo-brain"), but to no avail. I considered, "I have cancer, but it doesn't have me," but that was too cliche. Then I thought of "Victor, not victim, " but since Joel Osteen says that in nearly every sermon, I thought it way overused to have the punch I needed. The words "survivor", "brave", "tough" have all been thrown around, but none of them had the kick I was looking for. I still felt the need for a motivating slogan of sorts to keep me focused, to maintain my spiritual footing, and to motivate me to avoid worry, pity, and anger.

Let me state, for the record, that I am not angry with God...never have been. I don't view this illness as a lightening bolt punishment of some sort launched down from heaven. That's not in God's character. I don't even view it as an attack of the devil, although I think he finds great pleasure in the suffering of God's people. I think this is just of those things that happens for an unknown reason, but through which we can either be a blessing to others, or a really sour and foul soul with whom no one wants to be. I have to say, I choose to be a blessing...any way God wants to use me. As a good friend used to say, "If I had my 'd'ruthers, I'd choose this (the blessing)."

Now, for those of you who knew me as a child, you will well remember that I was "strong willed" (which I refuse to acknowledge as anything less than a compliment!). And, for those of you who knew me as a teenager, you will remember that I was competitive...and "strong willed". And, for those of you who know me as an adult, I'm sure you can testify that I am one who loves to share what I've learned (insert a big shout out to my SS class, who patiently listens to my translation of the lesson), and, yes, maybe still "strong willed". So to find a "battle cry" that reflects my love for learning, my competitive nature, and my "strong will" has been rather difficult. I'm looking for the perfect "essence" of my journey through this disease.

A long-time friend of ours from Oklahoma sent me the book, "The Red Sea Rules", and it is wonderful. It is written by Robert J. Morgan, and I highly recommend anyone. In one chapter, the author quotes a South African pastor who was facing a terrible crisis. After studying prayerfully over the situation, he came to this conclusion, and I fell in love with what he wrote:

"First, He (God) brought me here, it is by His will that I am in this strait place: in that I will rest. Next, He will keep me here in His love, and give me the grace to behave as His child. Then, He will make the trial a blessing, teaching me the lessons He intends me to learn, and working in me the grace He means to bestow. Last, in His good time He can bring me out again-how and when He knows."

What I long for most is that grace...the grace to behave as His child. Because, just as people all over this area recognize my maiden name, and can nearly always name at least 3 of my relatives, people ought to also be able to say, "Oh, see...she's God's. You know, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac," and so forth. There ought to be a recognizable least I hope.

With that said, I have just recently begun a Beth Moore Bible study, and this particular study is on HOW to study the word of God. Last night, I learned that the word of God, the Bible, is our ONLY weapon against the enemy...all other pieces of the "armor of God" are defenses, but the word...that is our sword with which we can fight the devil off our path.

And that has been my most recent aggravation...the devil. He plants worry in my mind, he sends people along my path who say the most discouraging things, he wakens me in the night, reminding me of all the Godly people I know who have passed away from this very disease, and I am weary of him. As Dudd Wash (from Andy Griffith...again!) would say..."He's a pestilence!"

So I am sharpening my sword...through Bible study. I'm gonna sharpen that thing until it shines, so that when Satan thinks he wants to attack me, the glare of the sword alone will cause him to head the other way! Beth Moore taught me last night that getting the word of God into my head will enable me to become exactly what God has planned for me to become...and, listen to is the battle cry I have been searching for. The very one I would have written if I had thought of it first. Are you ready?

"A child of God, to His great glory, and dangerous to the pit of hell!"

HI-YAH!!! Doesn't that just sound like a karate kick to the devil...right between the eyes!? That's what I be known as His child, to bring Him glory, and to be DANGEROUS to the pit of hell.

One thing I'd really enjoy is for you to email me ( your favorite scripture (just type "scripture" in the subject line so I'll know it's from someone I know). I'm going to print them out, and put them up in my house, so that everywhere I look, the word of God is before me. They will be my constant reminders of all the people who are praying for me and my family, as well as "sharpeners" for my sword. I will also post them on my blog, so that you may copy them for yourself if you want.

We love you all, and hope that you have a WONDERFUL Easter! Blessings to you and yours!


p.s. the songs on the right are some that I find very encouraging. The first one, "The Voice of Truth" is about exactly what I've just written...listening to the voice of Truth when the enemy attacks with discouraging words. I hope you enjoy them.

p.p.s. Rhonda P. : The David Phelps song is one of my all time favorites...I put it on there just for you, b/c I know you love a good song, and an excellent singer! Love you!


Anonymous said...
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kim said...


What a wonderful post! I have a feeling that "Lion that prowls around" will soon move on after a battle cry like that. Let me just say you are most definitely a child of God. It radiates around you and I am truly blessed to stand in the light next to your side. Lots of love,

Anonymous said...

WOW!! YOU GO GIRL!! I think the sword is well on it's way to quite a "sheen"!
Oh Leslie, to have your joy and are such an inspiration and beautiful child of God!
We love you and your family so much and of course are still praying.
As always I come away feeling I have gained more from you then anything I could ever do for you!
All our love, Nan,Jeff,& kids

Anonymous said...

You are such an inspiration! God has given you such a wonderful spirit. Don't you just love Beth! She always has just the right lesson for you doesn't she? Love your battle cry, I'll pray for your increasing power to sharpen that sword!
Tammy M

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