Monday, August 11, 2008


Hello everyone,

Just a quick post to let you know that Jeff and I are heading out tonight for my first "every three weeks" appointment. We will be flying this time, so hopefully we'll not be as road weary as we have been in the past months. Wednesday, I'll see my doctor for a checkup, and then up to the chemo floor for a dose of Herceptin...woohoo! Then...back home for one final week of summer before the boys head back to school. I don't know what we'll do to celebrate, but you can bet there'll be s'mores involved!

Also, I just want to say that it was so good to be back in church yesterday. We were so glad to see our SS class. They just take such good care of us.

Thank you all for your continued prayers. Please pray this week for my whole family as we travel and as we are apart. Maybe say an extra prayer for Isaac, who cannot seem to figure out why he feels so grumpy, he just knows that he is. Also pray for my mom and Joetta who are going to be watching the boys for me.

And, please continue to pray for Kevin Waters. No word yet on how his weekend went, but we trust that the Lord is continuing to heal him.

Blessings to you all! You know that we love you and appreciate all that you've done and continue to do.

Jeff, Leslie, and the boys
p.s. hope you enjoy the picture of Grandpa Coach's rooster! He's a dandy!


Kathy said...

I'll just miss you...I'll be there on Friday night!

anitazim said...

I miss you already! Can't wait to have you back here again. Your prayer requests are mine. Love you!!!!! Anita