Wednesday, August 6, 2008

An Update from Kevin's Wife, Renee:

I'm at a Best Western using their email very quickly to let as many of you know what's going on as possible. Kevin was put in Intensive Care yesterday. He was unresponsive when we tried to wake him at 5am Tuesday. They tried drugs, oxygen, went down for some CTs and finally got him on a ventilator...all by 6:30am. He is being fully sedated due to the miserable circumstances of the vent. At this point has a wide-spread infection and his lungs and the majority of his abdominal organs are being fully effected. Especially liver. We were allowed to transfer over here to KU Med Ctr, as they have a liver specialist that was willing to take him, after a few strings were pulled. It helps to know people...thank you Robin. He is receiving amazing care here so far and has a wonderful team of nurses and doctors.

Right now there isn't anything we need other than your continual prayers and those of everyone you know. This is an extremely serious situation. He has a lot going for him (age, non-drinker/smoker, good overall health, strong and stubborn) but also has a lot going against him right now. Feel free to share whatever information you'd like with your family and friends as we will take all the prayers we can get for Kevin at this time.

Thank you all for your continued prayers! To answer some of your questions, Renee grew up in Republic and Kevin in Rogersville. They are in their early 30's. Cal and Cassie are in their early 1's! :0)