Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Help Bring a Child Home from Africa

Hey! Real quick, my friend Kim and her husband Bryan are in the middle of an international adoption. They are waiting for the OK to go and get their little one who is currently in an orphanage in Ethiopia. If you would like to help them bring their new little one home from Africa, you can either email me at or link to her blog listed just to the left ("KIM").

They are selling T-Shirts as a fund raiser. The monies will help them with airfare for both them and their child(ren)...yes...they might get siblings! Any help would be appreciated. Check out Kim's blog for the history of their adoption process. If you don't want a T-shirt, but would still like to help, just let me know and I'll get their contact information to you.

The cost of the T-shirt is $15 if you contact her/me directly, or $18 if you use paypal. Either way, she and her husband will benefit, and will be able to meet their financial needs more quickly.

If you can't make a donation, you should still check out her blog. What a sweet family they are!




kim said...


Thank you for helping us spread the word! We love you and I am most blessed by your friendship!