Monday, January 19, 2009

Can We Talk...Week 1

Well...what did you think? I am telling you, of all the weeks for me to try to get control of my mouth! Did you find you were given ample opportunity to completely blow it? Did you? Well, sister, let me tell you I DID! I blew it WAY on yonder out of the water. I told my friend Krisi that I saw this week's study fly right by my head and out the garage door! "The difference," I console myself by saying, "is that NOW I'm at least conscious of it!" Yah...that'll fly on judgement day. Good grief!

Let me tell you a little story about me. I have always had some type of "in"...somewhere. It might not have been a big "in", but it was an "in". An exception to a rule in some arena. For example, when I was little, my mom played the piano and organ at church (not at the same time, mind you). Therefore, at times when she was practicing, I was (occasionally) at the church when to all others the doors were closed...(as far as church hours...don't get righteous on me...just hang in there!)

As I was growing up, my daddy was the HS coach (of several sports) as well as the Athletic Director, so I was afforded entry to the school when other children my age were not allowed. I "practiced" with the varsity squad when I was 5! (So what if I was on the stage while they were on the counted!) I also came into the ballgames with dad, admission charge! He also took me into the hospitality room during tournaments (did you know they had those for each team's coaches and school administrators!? Well, they do, and while everyone else is munching on popcorn...which is yummy in it's own right, I was in the home-ec room of some tournament-hosting school eating chili and crackers and homemade cookies and drinking free pop!) It's true!

During High School, my daddy was the principal, which wasn't always a blessing to me. However, I did get into the bldg. before and after hours, and was able to get to my locker before the rush began. Not really a biggee in a 1A school, but it's an "in" anyway. Also, if I forgot something in my locker, I (usually) could get back in the building to get it...if it was ABSOLUTELY necessary.

(I hope these things aren't just totally surprising all of you non-teacher's kids! It's just how it works.)

Then, I had a job at SMSU, both pre-graduation and post-graduation. I had an "in"! Discounted room and board, discounted admission to events, discounted graduate tuition (which, sadly, I never took advantage of!), discounted...ummmm...well, I can't remember much more, but it was an "in".

Married Jeff...his family is well known and liked and they sing all over creation, so...back door entrance to churches, dinner with pastors and professional singers (just once, but it counts!). Stop to fuel up in some town somewhere, and the people recognize and know you. AND...Jeff's daddy worked for the Highway Patrol, so...hypothetically speaking, of course...say someone was perhaps speeding just a little...the trooper recognizes my husband...issues a warning rather than a ticket...totally hypothetically, of course! You get the idea? IN...IN...IN!

I have always had an "exception to the rule" card I could play for my own benefit. So...(hang in there...I'm getting to the point)...when studying scripture, I have the (surprising) knack of applying my imaginary "E.T.T.R." card when I am to apply something that is inconvenient to my human nature.

"Control my tongue? (quick mental elbow to Gabriel's ribs) You KNOW that is NOT my style! Too bad for those other sorry souls, hmmm?" (As if I'm tight with the angel Gabriel...leanin' back against the walls of heaven, scopin' out all those sinnin' people!)

And then, one day at Titus 2 Bible Study at a church in another town, my friend lovingly said, "But the Bible doesn't say, 'Except for you, Leslie. You sweet thing! I made you sarcastic, so you just keep on keepin' on!'" OUCH! Was that necessary? Okay...maybe it was. I am not the exception to God's rules. There...I said it...please don't tell my husband! heehee

So, I have tried to apply that to this week...the fact that I am in no way the exception to God's expectations. I don't get a 'get out of minding-what-you-say jail' card to whip out when it's convenient. I am called to be accountable for what I say. Something at which I obviously need lots of practice!

Overall, I'd give my performance this week a strong D! My conviction, however, gets a strong B (couldn't be an A, or I'd have whipped that D up into a C!) I am working on it, and I must say the "exfoliation" left me rather raw and angry (at myself), but hopeful that although I cannot do what is required on my own, my heavenly father, who loves me more that I love my own kids, can give me the strength and wisdom to bite my tongue, and to be sweeter and gentler in my speech.




CDJ said...

"That'll preach!"
Thank you so much for instigating this study. I'm right there with ya...mourning the void of "hilarity" in the list of spiritual gifts.
Thank you for your humble honesty. I am blessed to call you friend (& cuz).