Tuesday, February 16, 2010

No School!

Monday was a day off of school for my boys, and it didn't take long for the lack of schedule to lead to rough-housing and fighting.  To combat it, I set up a science lab for them in the kitchen.  They requested food coloring, water, baking soda, and vinegar.  The experiments that followed allowed for 30 minutes of peace in the house. 

Secondly, I gave them a geography assignment.  They were to pick a state off of the map and research it on the computer!  Woohoo!  They had to report on the state capitol, a famous invention/person/or event from that state, and then share "If we could go on vacation in this state, here is where I'd like to go..."  This intrigued them for the rest of the day, and they couldn't wait to show their daddy when he got home.  Well, some were a little less enthused than others, but all in all it was a good use of time.

Our funny for the day was when Isaac was giving his presentation on Kansas. "Oh, Isaac.  You forgot to tell what is the capitol of Kansas," to which he quickly replied, "It's K".  Hahahahaha!  We got a kick out of kindergarten geography!

Hope you have a great week!

