Friday, November 12, 2010

Still Waiting

The Doctors agreed that it seems reasonable to wait a month and see if what was spotted on the MRI stays the same size or grows.  I'm a bit concerned with that tactic.  What if it mushrooms?!  They still haven't decided completely.  A large group of them agreed that I should have the gamma knife surgery and a lovely little procedure called a "lumbar puncture" to check for cancer cells in my spinal fluid.  Lord have mercy!  All I want to be thinking about is pumpkin pies, and turkey and dressing.  Must I really have to hear the words "lumbar puncture"?  Great day in the mornin'! 

I'm all for a "lumbar puncture" (when it means an epidural) when I'm delivering a baby, but this sounds painful.  *Deep Breath* I'll try not to worry about it until the time is here.  Then I'm going to try to convince Ted Lennard to go down there and do the procedure.  Hahahaha!  Just kidding...but he is the doctor to have if a needle is to be stuck into your spine!  Speaking from experience! (Ted is our good friend of many years, and an elder in our church, as well as an excellent physician.)

So, to set my mind on other things, I have posted one of my all time favorite songs and my all time favorite comedian.  Hope you enjoy!

Thanks for the continued prayers. They are felt.




Anonymous said...

I love your sense of humor inspite of all you have been thru. You are a testimony. You have such handsome boys and know you enjoy them so much. Just pray that the new place does not grow and the others will continue to shrink. Keep your head up and your eyes on the Lord.