Monday, April 7, 2008

My Most Recent Lab Results

How about this...

I had a complete blood count done two weeks ago. They emailed the results to me, but all I really recognized were the white blood cell counts and the platelets. I knew the "normal" range for those, so I was quick to check those out...they were fine, by the way.

Anyway, what I didn't know was being checked was my tumor marker, or the cancer antigens in my blood. In October, my first visit...with the "big girl panties" sign, the cancer antigens (CA) in my blood were 59.0 (38.0-0.0 being normal). In January, my CA was at 42.0.

Last week, are you ready for CA was 29! That's twenty-nine! Well below the 38 that is the high normal! Basically, I have as much cancer antigens in my blood as a cancer-free person! Come again?! Yes...about as many CA's as you! Woohoo! Does that mean I'm cancer free? one ever said that to me. I still have a surgery and a procedure or two to go through, but I was told that my blood looked like that of a person without cancer!

How about that!? Are you smiling? Me too!

Thank you so much for your prayers and support. I still have a long road ahead of me, but isn't it wonderful to see and hear of the power of your prayers. Please continue to pray for my complete healing...I'd really, really appreciate it! You are the prayin'-est friends a person ever had!

We love you all!


p.s. for all those curious souls so concerned with my weight...I now weigh more than I did BEFORE this all began, so if you tell me I look thin, I'll just have to assume you mean I look bald...because that's the only difference! :o) Just kidding! Just adjust your prayers to include "maintaining her weight" instead of "gaining weight"...that'd be just fine!


Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord, Leslie, for such a good report. God is so good. We will continue to keep you in our prayers and we certainly think of you often. It was good to see Jeff last weekend. Wish you could have been there also. The singing was wonderful.

God Bless you and your family.
Judith Hodge

kim said...


Praise the Lord!!! He is so faithful!!! What wonderful news!!! So when are we going to have another prayer night??? I Miss you,

Dingsma said...

It is great to hear your good news. We will continue to pray for your total healing. We included your request for scriptures in our Sunday School prayer email. We are praying for you around the world, with our list going to people all around the world.
Thanks for keeping us updated. We enjoy your blog!

Anonymous said...

Praising the Lord with you for such great news!!! So glad to hear it! We will continue to pray you will completely be free of this cancer! Blessings on your family! Love and prayers, Matt and Stephanie Sorrell & family

Brenda N said...

How Great is our GOD!!! I think of you very often throughout my days and am so thankful to GOd for His healing. We believe wholeheartedly that God has healed you and understand greatly the blessings of the prayers of His saints! Hope to be able to see y'all soon!

the Newdigers