Wednesday, May 14, 2008

He Leadeth Me...and Surgeons too!

Just to let you know...checked in for surgery at 6 a.m. Tuesday the 13th and checked out today (the 14th) at 9 a.m. Snoozing comfortably at my cousin's house by 10:30 a.m. I am not in any pain thanks to today's modern medicine and a fine anesthesiologist who numbed me up for a good 4 days! My surgeon told Jeff that there were no signs of cancer in the tissue he removed, and that they could tell us more when they had the lab results...probably at my 10 day checkup on the 23rd.

Thank you so much for your prayers. What a blessing you have been to me and my family.

Just thought you'd find this interesting...As they were prepping me for surgery, I noticed one of the members of the surgical team whistling. I looked at Jeff, and he just dropped his head and started chuckling.

"What?" I asked.

"Did you hear what he was whistling?" he asked me. "Only you, Leslie Davis, could get nurses named Grace and Mercy, a surgeon whose name is pronounced Dr. "Cure", and a surgical team whistling...(are you ready for this?) the hymn "He Leadeth Me."

Now how cool is that!?

I'll write more when I'm more coherent. Thanks for checking on me.

Love and blessings to you,
Leslie and Jeff


kim said...


So glad to know things went well and bless you for taking the time to let us know how it's going in the midst of recovery! Thank you!! Isn't it amazing how the Lord surrounds us with positive messages - even in names.

Love ya,

Anonymous said...

Leslie - praise God for such a wonderful report. You still amaze me - - to think you just had surgery yesterday, out of the hospital today and updating your blog this afternoon. God is surely showing many signs that He is right there with you (Grace, Mercy, Dr. Cure and "He Leadeth Me". We are still praying. God bless you and your family.

Judith Hodge

Shelliott said...

That brings tears to my eyes. What an awesome testimony. Thanks for the update.