Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Home Again!

Hello All!

I am home again---yeah! Mom has been staying here with me during the day, helping with cooking, laundry, and childcare. I still don't have full range of motion in my arm yet, and am not allowed to lift over 10 pounds for awhile, so having her here has been a tremendous blessing.

I apologize for taking so long to give you an update. I've been busy huggin' little boys and listening to their tales of what they did while we were gone. Oh, the adventures you can have while mom and dad are away!

Here is a quick and wonderful recap of what we learned since my surgery:

1) Pathology reports showed that in all the lymph nodes they removed under my arm (15 in all), there was NO cancer! Praise the Lord!

2) Pathology reports showed that in all the breast tissue they removed, there was only .4 millimeters of "residual invasive carcinoma". That's less than half a millimeter! Woohoo and

praise the Lord again!

3) The areas that were formerly invaded by cancer, showed only scar tissue. How about that!

The surgeon, his Physicians Assistant, and my medical oncologist were all extremely pleased with the reports...which was a good sign for me. My surgeon and his assistant actually hugged us they were so pleased!

I begin radiation therapy June 6th, and though my neurosurgeon doesn't think my spine needs radiated, the rest of my medical team does, of last Friday, they will be radiating my chest and spine as well. This radiation is to produce what they technically call a "curative response" (they won't say "cure you"), and will destroy any residual cancer cells that were not taken care of by the chemotherapy.

After radiation, my doctor wants me to complete 10 more weeks of chemotherapy, and then that should be it...well...technically I'll be receiving Herceptin once every 3 weeks forevermore or until something better comes along...but I can definitely live with that...literally!

That's it in a nutshell. We are busy these next two weeks trying to play catch up as well as preparing for the 6 weeks to come.

Thank you for your prayers. My updated prayer request list includes:

1) Continued healing from surgery and disease.

2) The availability of a "Church Apartment Ministry" apartment in Houston, near the hospital, where we could settle in for the next 6 weeks.

3) Continued health for my family...allergies are a bother!

4) Jeff---he has a lot of plates spinning right now, and he's doing a great job.

Thank you all for everything. You are so appreciated. Thanks for the prayers, the gifts, and all the support and encouragement. You may always email us at

Blessings to you all!

Leslie, Jeff, and the boys


Anonymous said...

How GREAT is our God!!! We are so thrilled to hear how things are going! Reading your blog and the things that our family has gone through reminds me of the great and wonderful miracles that God gives us. We just need to open our eyes to them. We are still praying for you and your family. we love y'all!!

the Newdigers

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear the good news you received from the medical team. "GOD IS GOOD". Reading about your dependance on Him is a blessing. Thanks for sharing with us. I'm sure your Mom hasn't enjoyed being there with those boys one little bit????
We continue to remember you in our prayers.