Saturday, May 10, 2008

If the Lid Doesn't Fit...Change the Container!

Hello again. I apologize for taking so long to update my blog, but we have had a very busy past few weeks. Since I've spoken to you last, I've met with my radiologist as well as my anesthesiologist and I feel much better about my upcoming surgery and radiation. I cannot begin to tell you how fantastic the physicians are at MD Anderson. If you have reason to search for a cancer hospital, this is the place to be. All the physicians and support staff that I have spoken to concerning my upcoming procedures have answered all my questions (the obvious as well as the ridiculous), and have assured me that what I've already gone through (chemotherapy) is much worse that the treatments that lay before me. Armed with that logic, I am ready, ready, ready to get this show on the road!

These past few weeks, Jeff and I have been ironing out transportation, employment, childcare, and daily living issues. We were re-informed (although I'd forgotten the first "informed") that my radiation will require me to be present DAILY for 6 weeks. I don't know what I was expecting...maybe just a little microwaving on a weekly basis, but I absolutely was not thinking of staying for 6 weeks of treatment in Houston. But...guess what...I will be!

So, with surgery planned for this Tuesday, followed by 10 days of R&R before my follow up checkup, then a little boy's birthday, then our 16th wedding anniversary, then back to Houston for a 6 week radiation could say that we've been a bit overwhelmed. Not in a bad way...there's just so much to do, and I don't feel like I was "ready" for everything. I got so caught up in the traveling back and forth for chemo, that I rather forgot about the planning this next phase would require.

That said, everything has been worked out, and we are good to go. Now...if I could just get packed! :o)

As I was cleaning up the kitchen last night, I found myself in a very similar situation as most mommas following dinner...head buried in the Tupperware cabinet looking for the right lid for the container I'd chosen to hold the remaining green beans. Rattle! Clunk! Bang! (Hey-how'd a metal lid get into the Tupperware cabinet?) This one? No...maybe this? No. Dad-gum-it! Here it is...wrong again! Urgh! Then...and I'm always looking for a sermon in everyday came to me. If the lid doesn't fit...try changing containers! Aha! But that's not what I wanted...I wanted this one! Umhmm...Didn't know God could speak to me through the Tupperware cabinet, but last night, with Ziploc, Glad Lock, Hefty, and Tupperware all looking on, God had a message for me.

As I poured the green beans from container one into container two, I realized...this whole cancer thing is not at all what I had planned. This isn't the "lid" I had wanted to use. But...instead of sitting down and pouting about how unfair this is, or how tiring it is, or how goofy I look (still like a baby bird!), God suggested that maybe I just get a different "container". Well, now, that's do-able. Just change my expectations a tad, and...there you go! It still works. The "green beans" still fit...and it doesn't really matter that it wasn't my original still works.

I still go to Wal-Mart. I still go with the family to baseball practice. I still laugh with my husband over funny things that happened to us during the day. This week, I took Levi in for Kindergarten screening, with just as much energy as any other mom in the building. I will go to Sunday School and church in the that my counts are up again. I can still rock a little boy when he wakes up in the middle of the night. I still help catch tadpoles in the pond nearby (more instructionally rather than by counts aren't THAT high! Hee hee!). I can still bake a mean batch of Cheesecake Brownies. Life is good!

Is this the "container" I chose originally? Well, definitely not! But I have been, and continue to be, blessed beyond my wildest imagination through this whole ordeal. You wouldn't believe the amazing patients and their families I've been able to visit with on a weekly basis, who started out as complete strangers, but who are now inviting me to come to their home! Neat, neat people that I never would have met on this earth, but whose phone numbers I now carry with me.

We just never know what changes might come to scramble our "perfect" plans. However, I still believe that if I continue to trust in God...who only wants the very best for me, who loves me more that I love my own children (think on that for awhile), who promises, "...I know the plans I have for you; plans for give you hope and a future," then...I'm going to be fine!

If the lid doesn't fit, try changing your container!

I'll leave you with this funny story that happened to me last week!

As the radiology and anesthesiology departments were interviewing me concerning my upcoming surgery and treatments, they asked about my medical history.

"Do you smoke?"


"Consume alcoholic beverages?"


"Use recreational drugs?"


"Can you walk two flights of stairs?"


"Any pain?"


"Any hepatitis, anemia, TMJ, blah blah blah?"


"Family history of cancer?"




"High blood pressure?"


"So, then, Mrs. seem to be very healthy."

"Yes...I just have a touch of cancer!"

Ha ha ha! I'm such a nut! You should've seen her face!'s the truth! I feel fine...I've just got a bit of cancer.

I will try to update you from Houston. It may be awhile...but hopefully not too long. Thank you for all your support. We all appreciate everything you are doing for us!

Much love,

Leslie, Jeff, and the boys


Anonymous said...

Leslie - you are a most amazing woman. Your blog is so uplifting and I praise God for you. He has been with you in a miraculous way and He will continue to be there. We will be praying for your surgery and radiation to be most successful. May God richly bless you, Jeff & the boys.

Judith Hodge

kim said...


I believe God is looking for people who are willing to accept change - willing to do something different for Him (change the container). Those are the people He can and will do BIG things through. The willingness you are showing now to Change will be used! Praying for all things to go well! I love you,

Brandy said...

Great thoughts! I just watched a movie recently called "Bella". I HIGHLY recommend it. Anyway, the director said that it has a theme running through it that goes something like this..."If you want to make God laugh, tell Him your plans." That is so true!

CDJ said...

Your blog is beautiful (just like you) and you crack me up! I'd love to help while you're in Tejas...Call me. I totally love you!

Dingsma said...

Thanks for the update, and God Bless you for your ability to find a sermon that touches our daily lives. You are truly a blessing from God.

Anonymous said...

That was beautiful and well written! My 3 year old daughter has battled with many health issues her entire life - it wasn't the container we would have wanted - but we've dealt with the battles and are so blessed. Thanks for the much needed reminder though, as some days it's more than I feel I can handle.

I don't know you, but you and your family have continued to be in my prayers. The Lord is using you through this battle and it's great you aren't forgetting to give Him the glory! He will be by your side these next couple of difficult months.

Your sister in Christ,
Jill in AZ

Anonymous said...

You are such an inspiration! I miss your stories from Sunday School -- your bright smile and your quick wit. Can't wait to have you back with us for good. When you are back from Houston, we will have to plan our next ladies' day out. We just can't do them without you! You and Jeff and the boys are in my constant prayers. I pray for a speedy and uneventful recovery for you and a very quick six weeks of radiation! We love you and miss you so much! Take care and know that you are blessed!

Kathy and Darren Haralson and kids

Kolby said...

Leslie, You still have an amazing attitude about all of this. It shouldn't suprise me, as well as I used to know you, but it still does. Please continue to write these very uplifting blogs as often as you can. Best wishes Kolby

Kolby said...
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Anonymous said...

Leslie -
Well once again as I read your blog, it confirms what I have told you before - you should write for a living! God has given you such a gift - you have the ability to calm and soothe us (not to mention make us laugh!!) all while in all reality we should be the ones needing to calm and soothe you. You and your family are constantly in my prayers and on my mind - we know that God has a reason for everything and as I read your blog, I imagine his light shining thru you - girl we're gonna need "Son-glasses" it's so bright!
Love Ya! Erica