Friday, January 29, 2010

Organizational Ideas Needed

Okay all you creative people!  I am needing some easy organizational ideas for the paper clutter in my home.  As you can imagine, I have a lot of paper coming into my house.  With three little students plus all my medical correspondence, I am surrounded by papers!  What do you do in your home/office to keep these things organized?  They are in piles here...mostly in my bedroom b/c I can close the door on it when we have company!  Please share your fantastic ideas!


Rebecca said...

Filing cabinet? I have a 4 drawer filing cabinet that I keep all important papers in. The bottom drawer is full of birth certificates, our marriage licence, ect...all in a metal box of course. The next drawer up is full of stationary, envelopes and like things. Drawer #3 is full of the kids' school papers and testing stuff. Draw #4 contains all bills, bank statements, ect. It works well for me and I always know where to find what I am looking for.

Anonymous said...

Throwing it away works best :) Okay so the medical paperwork obviously you can't do that with but one thing I do with school papers is pile it up in a place the kids will not necessarily notice it, then at the end of the week if they haven't mentioned it as important or missing then I go through it and pick one thing each to hang on too. The ... See Morerest gets tossed in the trash after they have gone to bed and they never miss it. Oh and that little piece of paper I kept goes in a rubber tub that each child has for their special things.

From Kim

Anonymous said...

Crystal wrote:

I have found purging weekly is very important! Get a box or drawer with hanging files. Never lay the papers anywhere put them in a file. When the files get to full purge! Each kids has a folder. Those really special papers you just can't part with go in a tub with the childs name with thier baby stuff, and goes with them to thier first home where they can then decide what to do with it!!!!