Thursday, January 7, 2010

Snow Days and Deep Thoughts

Well, I was awakened at 5:30 a.m. by a text message informing me that our local schools were cancelled due to the weather. We didn't get a lot of snow, but the little we did get piled on top of what we already had, and then...the wind blew! Evidently, in places other than my yard, the snow really drifted. And then...the temperature dropped (or maybe that was what happened first, or's all a blur). We had below zero temperatures today...much too cold for our school buses in the drifting snow. Anyhoo...that's how I came about being home today with my 3 boys and our favorite 11 year old neighbor, Ross.

The boys had a blast. After eating pancakes, sausage, and eggs, they finished their "chores" (as best I can come up with in town), and began a long day of fun, fighting, and experiments. They played video games, Tech Deck skateboards, Legos, Nerf gun wars (the "fighting"), and Nerf sword fighting. Then, they challenged their creative side by making individual pizzas for lunch followed by a serious streak of paper airplane development and testing. They continued their creative/scientific explorations by making a clay volcano, and then causing it to erupt with baking soda and vinegar! Big stuff! Finally, they made a large platter of green slime from cornstarch and water, and enjoyed grossing one another out with that for awhile.

Isaac continued his home education in the fine art of tying shoes. He has it down, he is just working on perfecting the maneuver, and getting a tight knot.

Meanwhile, I attacked a huge medical bill that has been in limbo between a provider, an insurance company, a collection agency, and myself. These things bother me, but not like they used to. In the whole scheme of things, it's way down on my list of things to panic about. (I realize that sentence is a grammar teacher's worst nightmare...and I apologize to my sister Suzan, and all others that groan at grammatical errors!) At any rate...I finally talked to all parties...on the same day...and got the thing hammered out. No big deal! It's only money...right?!

I also fixed a delicious pot of Mexican Chicken Soup, and by the time Jeff arrived home at 7ish, the boys were in their jammies, soup was on, and the BCS championship game had begun!

We are thankful tonight for a warm house to live in, tummies that are full, and healthy little heads that are resting in warm beds.

My friend, Sherry, and I discussed peace over the phone today. She shared with me a sermon she heard on the radio the other day. The pastor concluded with the teaching that "peace" is something that is given to us. It is not something we can get ourselves, or a place we can determine to be. It is a gift, given to us by the Holy Spirit, and ours for the asking, through prayer. She and I both agreed that this wasn't something we had ever before considered, and ended our conversation agreeing that this was a subject we were going to study further. That simplifies things, though, doesn't it? God gives it...and that settles it. I can quit striving for it on my isn't attainable...alone. Now that's something to chew on for awhile...

If you'll excuse me, I will now go steal my Snuggie blanket from my oldest son, and retire to my own bed. Tomorrow...yet another snow day...and four active boys await!

