Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Finally, Some Good News!

Hi there! I spoke with my cousin, Jenny, in TX today (the one who's a doctor, in case you're new to my blog), and she said her friends at MD Anderson have looked at my test results. They asked her to ask me what type of drugs I was being given. I gave her the name of the two drugs I was given. She said that at MD Anderson, they are seeing very good results from a third drug that is being used specifically for my type of hormone-receptive cancer cells. So, woo-hoo! She said that they thought it was a good thing that I have the type that I have (HER-2 Neu Positive), because they have a brand new drug just for that! I know it's not huge...but it's good news for me, and I'm clinging to it, because it's the first good news I've heard in awhile.

Couple that with offers for private airline transportation to TX, as well as aching joints and bones (which means my white cells are increasing with the help of the shots I've been receiving), and I have had a good day. Through all of this, we continue to be amazed at God's provision. We have been blessed so much through all of you, and we thank you all for everything!

Oh, and I had my MRI today, and Jenny told me I could request a copy of the results on a CD. Who knew you could do that? I asked the MRI technician if he could do that, and he said, "Oh, sure. It'll be ready in 5 minutes." Well, I'll be! That is exciting b/c I can overnight my MRI results to MD Anderson instead of waiting for a Dr. to read the results, and then faxing the readings. They can actually see the test for themselves, and draw their own conclusions! Wow! We are so blessed to have Jenny on our team!

Keep us in your prayers. I still need my white blood cells to increase (to at least 1.5) so I can receive treatment. I need protection from viruses/infections. And...I need sleep, so I think I'll go rest awhile.

We love you all. Thanks for everything.

Leslie, Jeff, and the boys


Diana said...

Hey Leslie. I'm glad you are getting some good news. You deserve it. You are still in our prayers. Love you!

kim said...

Great news Leslie. I am glad you are hearing some positive things. We too are still praying each day. Love, Kim

Skeet said...

Hi Leslie,
Isn't it nice to get good news.
Thanks for sharing your journey with all of us. You....your family.... your Doctors(even our cousin Doctor) are in our prayers.
See ya,
Skeet and Linda

Jamie said...

Yay for good news!

Shelliott said...

Hi Leslie - did you have your treatment today? I look forward to reading your comments - thank you for sharing your journey with us. We love you.