Friday, October 12, 2007

Friday, October 12, 2007

Hey everyone. I had my lab work done today, and surprise (not really), my white cell count was down. So, now I have to go in every day for 5 days to get a shot to boost my immune system so I can still receive my chemo treatment as scheduled. No worries...the nurse just said the shots may make me have flu like symptoms...muscle/joint aches, extreme fatigue...or...I may feel fine. Just depends on how my system reacts.

I hope I don't have any flu-like reactions, because I'm just now feeling good again, and it'd be nice to have a week of "feeling good". I was advised to avoid crowded places, and to let someone else wipe runny noses for awhile. Sounds do-able...just a little inconvenient...then again, that seems to be the theme for this whole cancer treatment.

Also, I am having a time trying to post to this log. I think I set it up with a fictitious email, completely accidentally (we'll blame it on the chemo drugs), but I don't know how to fix it. So...I may have to re-do the whole thing and start from scratch. If that is the case, check in on my blogspot that I DO know how to access: and I'll post a new link there. Sorry for the wild goose chase. Cari---if you have any suggestions, let me know.

Have a great weekend! It's "Apple Butter Makin' Days" in Mt. Vernon...sounds yummy!

Love to you all.


Dingsma said...

I will pray for strength and good humour. Keeping your mind focus on God will help you.

Unknown said...

Hi Leslie,
My name is Suzan Martin (Sue) I went to S of O with your mom. I just got an e-mail from her and I just wanted to let you know we will be thinking of you and keeping you in our prayers. My husband has had colon cancer twice. The first time he had to take chemo once a week for 1 full year so we have some idea what you are facing. But I also know no one can really know how you feel and words are inadequate.

CDJ said...

THe only suggestion I could offer is...uhh...ask someone who has a clue. But I think it's cute that I've fooled you into thinking I am remotely techno-savvy. Very Cute.