Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Week One

Hey everyone. Just wanted to give you an update on how things are going so far. I had my first chemo treatment last Friday. I was scared to death, mainly just because I don't do IV's well. I've always said I'd rather give birth twice than to get the IV that comes with labor and delivery! But, everything went well. My nurses were so sweet (probably felt sorry for the 35 yr. old lady trembling like a leaf in the wind). My oncologist brought out a patient he was seeing for a follow up visit. She was 34, and had the same diagnosis as me in March of 2006, and is now cancer free and back teaching her 3rd grade class in Willard. It was nice to visit with someone who has been through it all and is okay. Oh, and blessings of all blessings, I didn't get sick from my chemo all weekend! Praise the Lord!

Monday (yesterday) I had a port placed in my upper left chest area (right under my collar bone). This will allow them to give me chemo without sticking me with an IV every time. I know this is supposed to be a good thing, but I had the dry heaves right up until the procedure (didn't help that I had to wait 4 hours until they actually got me in...with an empty stomach). I'm very sore today, but glad to be done with that leg of the journey. Again, I was blessed with wonderful nurses, and a certain Dr. Boswell who put me right at ease. I'm all about capable physicians...if they come across even the least bit unsure, or "just here to please you" kind of attitude, you can count me out. Dr. Boswell came right up, shook Jeff's hand, began to explain the procedure, which I quickly interrupted..."Listen, this is what I understand that you are getting ready to do," I said. "Is that it in a nutshell?" He answered that I had it down. Then I gave him my brief, but very clear explanation about my inability to handle the bloody details, and asked him to skip to the consent form. He gave a brief, but very un-bloody description of the procedure, explained his understanding of my concern that the port would permanently be in the way of my necessary hugs from my boys, and explained that he would give me the very lowest profile port he had available. Good enough! When we entered the operating room, I heard my nurse tell the techs, "Listen...we don't need a play by play...just get the procedure done, and let her know when you're through." Atta girl, Amy! God knew I needed her in my corner!

Last night, I was again trembling nearly uncontrollably. My nerves were obviously shot. We called the oncologist on call, and he gave me the okay to down a valium. I opted for half a valium (let's not get carried away), and I slept well.

Today I had a full day of tests. I am getting the idea that they really want you there a full 2 hours before they even plan on doing anything to/with you. This is very annoying to me. I just wanted to yell, "You KNOW I took a valium for this last night!!!" Anyway, back to the story, I had a PET scan (no worries, they just injected me with a type of nuclear sugar that shows itself in cancer cells when scanned...NUCLEAR SUGAR?! Never in all my days....) Then, I had a chest X-ray. Then break for lunch (at 3:15) and back at 3:30 for an ECHO(cardiogram) and an EKG. We were done by 4:30. What a day.

We then went to look at wigs. Girlfriends, I am telling you now, this is not for me. I looked like I'd gotten my head tangled in a mess of fishin' line! Whose idea was this anyway? You may just have to get used to me in a bandana. Better that than the options I saw today! Lord, have mercy! (And I mean that very sincerely!)

And finally, after visiting Jeff's Granny Fannon in the hospital (St. Johns), we capped off the day with the "Neverending Pasta Bowl" at Olive Garden. Mine should have been named the "Never Beginning" b/c by the time I made it through the salad and breadsticks, I was ready for home. And now, here I am writing this.

Friday, I have lab work, where they will check my white cell count and schedule my next chemo. I am looking forward to two "normal" days until then.

Thank you all for your outpouring of love...the phone calls, from sweet people I have never even met, to the funny calls from close friends; the emails sharing concern and laughs; the numerous meals being sent our way, the offers of childcare, transportation, and financial help; the open invitations to stay with your families if we come to TX; and the countless prayers being lifted on our behalf. Thank you, thank you, thank you. May God return the blessings on you and yours one hundredfold! Love to you all,Leslie, Jeff, and the boys


kim said...

Leslie - Brave Leslie! I just want you to know how proud I am to be your friend. I love your way of setting it straight - getting right to the point. I am sure the Lord is going to bless you through every step of this journey. I look forward to reading your blog and seeing those milestones of God's work during this time of your life.
Love, Kim

cbeck said...

Leslie, just want to tell you that we are praying for you in the days ahead. I am sure that God will take care of you and use your blogs to encourage someone else with similar problems with cancer. I am also sharing your blog site with Deanna & Hazel and putting you on our church prayer list.
Love, Carolyn

Sue Brown said...

Hi Leslie...thank you so much for sharing this special time in you and your family's life with us. You are my "newest friend". I am so looking forward to working with you on the mission council. I could tell you are absolutely full of energy and ideas and that you truly love the Lord! Be assured of our prayers for each of you.


Eileen Dodson said...

What an amazing blog site and how you are able to share your feelings. Thanks for the lovely pictures and info. You and your family are continually in our prayers.

In Christs's love,


anitazim said...

As our Mama would say: "You're precious to me!!" I'm praying for you hourly! Love you so much! Anita

Betty said...


We are praying for you daily. We have been checking on your progress with Jim and Joetta, so we are glad to learn about your blog spot.
With love & prayers.
Dale & Betty

Anonymous said...

Leslie, Carolyn shared your blog with me and I have certainly been blessed from reading it (should be working). You have been on our prayer list for several weeks now and it is so precious to read how God is looking after you as you attack this monster. So glad to hear you are in Houston and have family there to monitor and support your care. I will be anxious to hear how things go. Sounds to me like God is using you in a mighty way to show His loving and caring ways.
Luv, Laura (Rook) Ireland

Jeanie Wilkinson said...


Paul and I are praying for you! We would love to give you a hug! Remember, our God rules the universe, and he knew about this before you were born. He loves you so much, and out of His love comes every fruit of the Spirit--love, peace, joy, patience, but without love, we have nothing. But with love, all things are possible, and God is love. Please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers continually.

Love, Jeanie & Paul Wilkinson